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Camino for the Community - Camino santiago

Camino for the community

¡Lo Hemos Conseguido!

Hemos caminado 163km y gracias a vuestros donativos y vuestro apoyo hemos recaudado más de £1.600 para colaborar con The Real Junk Food Project y ayudar a reducir residuos orgánicos y proporcionar comida asequible a las personas de nuestra comunidad. 

We did it!

We walked 163 km and thanks to your donations and support we’ve raised over £1,600 to support The Real Junk Food Project to help reduce organic waste and provide affordable food for the people of our community.

Camino for the community - Llegada a Santiago de Compostela

Ha sido una experiencia inolvidable que sin duda querremos repetir. Nuestra aventura empezó en A Guarda, el último pueblo costero de Galicia, justo en la frontera con Portugal. Caminamos durante 7 días para llegar a Santiago de Compostela y el camino no podía haber sido más bonito. Las ampollas y el calor no nos impidieron disfrutar de los maravillosos paisajes gallegos. Los senderos de la costa nos deleitaron con vistas al océano, la preciosa ría de Vigo y sus playas de arena blanca y fina, mientras que los senderos empedrados del interior nos brindaron con bosques exuberantes, ríos serpenteantes y ruidosas cascadas. Y, por supuesto, nos hemos sumergido por completo en la tradición y gastronomía gallegas. No podía faltar en nuestro viaje una buena fiesta tradicional de pueblo o una ración de pulpo á feira.

El Camino de Santiago es una ruta de peregrinación que atrae a personas de todo el mundo, lo que brinda una excelente oportunidad para conocer gente nueva y experimentar una gran diversidad cultural. Hemos conocido gente muy interesante de Alemania, Estados Unidos, Latinoamérica, Inglaterra, Italia… Con una mente abierta y un corazón dispuesto, se pueden crear recuerdos duraderos mientras compartes el camino con otros peregrinos de diferentes antecedentes y perspectivas. Una experiencia absolutamente enriquecedora.

Si estás pensando en hacer el Camino de Santiago y tienes alguna duda, no dudes en contactarnos ☺

Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra colaboración. Sin vosotros, esto no habría sido posible.

It’s been an unforgettable experience that we will certainly want to repeat. Our adventure began in A Guarda, the last coastal town in Galicia, right on the border with Portugal. We walked for 7 days to get to Santiago de Compostela and our journey could not have been more beautiful. The blisters and the heat didn’t prevent us from enjoying the wonderful Galician landscapes. The paths along the coast delighted us with views of the ocean and the beautiful Ría de Vigo and its fine, white sand beaches, while the cobbled paths inland provided us with exuberant forests, meandering rivers and enchanting waterfalls. And, of course, we have completely immersed ourselves into the Galician traditions and gastronomy. A good traditional village festival or a ración of pulpo á feira could not be missing on our trip.

The Camino de Santiago is a pilgrimage route that attracts people from all over the world, providing an excellent opportunity to meet new people and experience great cultural diversity. We have met very interesting people from Italy, Germany, the U.S., Latin America, Ireland… With an open mind and a willing heart, lasting memories can be created while sharing the path with other pilgrims from different backgrounds and perspectives. An absolutely enriching experience.

If you are thinking of doing the Camino de Santiago and have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us ☺

Thank you all very much for your collaboration. This would have never been possible without you.

Camino for the Community- day 1

Day 1

 first 22km down, and judging by the milestone, it seems that the total Camino will be over 160km! But well, we came to walk! 🙂

Camino for the Community -day 2

Day 2

Today is supposed to be the easiest day in preparation for tomorrow, which will be the longest. Nice combination of coastal paths and ancient Roman roads through the hills 🙂

Camino for the Community -Day 3

Day 3

Nice transition from the coast to the forest and back, with the added bonus of a privileged view of the Cíes islands. Definitely worth those 30km and few blisters!

Camino for the Community-Day 4

Day 4

Halfway point, a good time to look back, both figuratively and literally: from here we can see the entirety of Ría de Vigo. After a stop in Redondela, tomorrow we’ll abandon the coast and will start the second half of our journey.

Camino for the community - day 5


After a short glimpse at Arcade, we abandoned the coast for good. The alternative has been a nice river walk until we arrived at beautiful Pontevedra. Tonight we’ll celebrate Abraham’s birthday, what better way to turn 41!! 🙂

Camino for the community - day 6

Day 6

Another route straight up north alternating forests and fields of grapevines and leading us to Caldas de Reis, famous in Roman times for its relaxing hot springs. Only two more days to go, we’re already feeling sad that this amazing journey is coming to an end.

Camino for the community - day 8

Day 7

We’re almost there. One last stop in Padrón to taste some Padrón peppers and admire beautiful, exotic trees in the botanic gardens. Tonight will be a hard one, knowing that tomorrow it will all be over.

Camino for the community - day 8

Day 8

They say the journey is more important than the destination, but not today. We can’t believe we made it, we can’t believe we’re here, we can’t believe it’s over. Blisters will heal, but memories will stay forever.